Current Issue

Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 10/1/24

Year: 2024

Farabi Medical Journal (Farabi Med J), the official journal of Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine and managed by its editorial team, is an open access and peer-reviewed scientific journal published four times a year (March, June, September and December) in Turkish and English. The main purpose of the journal is to publish articles with high scientific impact in all fields of health sciences, to enable readers to access the published articles and to contribute to the literature. Farabi Medical Journal publishes original experimental and clinical research articles by scientists in the field of health sciences, reviews prepared by scientists specialized in a particular subject, case reports and letters to the editor.

Farabi Medical Journal is a scientific journal established to publish qualified scientific studies to improve the health system and offer solutions to health problems. The scope of Farabi Medical Journal is as follows;
• Researches that identify the main problems in the field of health and develop solutions
• Research that focuses on, inquires, analyzes and evaluates current health problems
• Studies evaluating the education models applied in the world or developing new education models for the education of health professionals.
• Scientific and technological research that can contribute to the development of health practices

Farabi Medical Journal is an open access and peer-reviewed scientific journal published electronically in Turkish and English four times a year (March, June, September and December) as the official publication of Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine. The journal is prepared and published in accordance with all International publishing principles. All publication rights of the published articles belong to Farabi Medical Journal and cannot be partially or completely printed, reproduced and transferred to electronic media without the permission of the publisher. The editorial board is responsible for the publication of the articles.

The International Medical Journals Editorial Board (ICMJE) directive is followed in the publication and editorial processes of the journal. Manuscripts sent to the journal first go through a preliminary evaluation process to determine the state of being prepared in accordance with the journal's writing rules. The editorial board has the authority not to publish the articles that do not comply with the publication rules, and to send them back to the author for correction. After the submitted manuscripts are evaluated by at least two reviewers, they are published with the decision of the editorial board. Manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal must not have been previously published elsewhere or sent for publication. No royalties are paid to the authors for the articles published in the journal.
1. Farabi Medical Journal publishes original experimental and clinical research articles, reviews prepared by scientists specialized in a particular subject, case reports and letters to the editor in the field of health sciences, written in Turkish or English. Publications are subject to examination in terms of language technique and grammar in all processes from the application stage to the publication stage. It is recommended to have the articles reviewed by a linguist in the language in which they were written before they are sent to the journal. Articles that are not found to be sufficient in terms of language are sent back to the responsible author for correction.
2. The journal is published four times a year.
3. During the application, the following documents should be uploaded to the electronic journal system as independent files.
  I. Cover letter and Title page,
  II. Full text of the article written in Microsoft Word (without the author(s)'s information)
  III. Scientific and legal responsibility of the published articles belong to the authors. The author(s) accept that all publication rights of the article belong to Farabi Medical Journal. 'Copyright Transfer Form' and 'Conflict of Interest Statement Form' in which possible conflicts of interest are declared, signed and scanned by all authors (Wet signed version of the form can be requested later by mail, Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Statement Form)
  IV. Article similarity report: In accordance with its publication ethics, Farabi Medical Journal checks every article submitted for publication for plagiarism/similarity. similarity report is requested in Farabi Medical Journal. When the full text file is uploaded in the 3rd step of the article submission phase, it will be forwarded to Preparation of the report may take time. Therefore, an e-mail will be sent to you when the process is completed. In the last step, you can complete the article submission according to the final report or go back to step 3 and repeat the process. When you upload more than one file and receive a similarity report, all reports will be forwarded to the editor. If necessary, editors can also use a different similarity checking program (iThenticate, Turnitin, etc.) for similarity checking. The author(s) of the original cited article may have transferred the copyright of the article as a whole, including its images, to the publisher. Figures, tables, graphs, images, etc. may be subject to copyright. In accordance with national and international publishing copyrights and ethics, permission for figures to be used in articles must be obtained from the responsible author or publisher of the cited article. Or the figure (etc.) should be re-created (a similar one) by the author(s) (or interpreted by just referencing it in writing without using the figure at all) and cited to the main article.
  V. All authors' information (including ORCID ID) must be uploaded to the system completely at the time of application.
Applications with missing documents and/or information at any stage of the evaluation process may be excluded from evaluation.
4. Ethics committee approval should be obtained for articles that require ethics committee approval, and the information regarding this approval should be specified and documented in the article. The author(s) should state that the accepted international guidelines in this field (1964 Helsinki Declaration and its subsequent updates) and the relevant provisions of the regulations issued by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey are complied with.
5. Works sent through the journal system to be published in the journal are evaluated by the Editorial Board in terms of compliance with scientific, ethical and spelling rules. The pre-evaluation period is two (2) weeks. The works whose applications are accepted after the preliminary evaluation are submitted to the opinion of at least two reviewers who are experts in their fields. Reviewer evaluation period is maximum one and a half (1.5) months. If a correction is requested from the author(s) as a result of the peer-review, the correction must be made within one (1) month at the latest and entered into the journal system. Works accepted to be published in the journal are published considering the date of acceptance.
6. In accordance with the article sample article template, MS Word document (.doc or .docx) is required for all submissions. All submissions must be in Times New Roman font, one-half spacing, 1 inch margin, twelve point size. All submissions must contain page and line numbers.
7. The works to be sent to the journal should be arranged in accordance with the explanations given below:
Title Page should be prepared in MS Word program in accordance with the sample Title Page. The title of the article in Turkish and English should be short, easy to understand and reflect the content of the article. Name(s) of the author(s), institution address, e-mail address, telephone number, ORCID number, and the name of the sponsoring organization for supported researches should be included. It should be stated who is the author responsible for the correspondence.
• Title: The title used in the article should be written in bold and centered with the first letters capitalized.
• The name, place and date of the organization should be specified for the studies that have been presented in a congress and whose summary has been published.
• Turkish and English short titles should be no more than 50 characters (including spaces).
• It should be clearly stated whether the authors have a conflict of interest with any other author.
Main Text
• The main text should not contain any information about the names and institutions of the authors.
• All section headings in the text should be written in bold. All letters should be capitalized in the main section headings, the first letter of each word should be capitalized in the subsection headings, and only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized in the secondary subsection headings. There should be no paragraph beginning in the chapter headings and the text, no space should be left between the headings and the text, but a space should be left between the end of the text before the heading and the title.
• Original studies should include structured Turkish Abstracts and English Abstracts.
• Summary section; It should consist of Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion sections.
• The abstract section should be limited to 250 words. References, tables, citations and unexplained abbreviations should not be used in the abstract.
• Keywords should be given below the line where the abstract ends, with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords.
• In decimal numbers, a comma sign (p<0,05) should be used in Turkish texts and a period sign should be used in English texts (p<0.05). In numbers indicated with a percentage, a % sign should be used in front of the number (%52) in Turkish texts and after the number in English texts (52%).
• In the introduction, the subject, importance and justification of the study should be given with reference to previous studies and its purpose should be stated clearly.
• In the Methods section, the methods used should be clear enough to allow researchers who will work on the same subject to use the method. The statistical method used should be given clearly and precisely.
• In the Results section, the findings should be given clearly and comprehensibly, and should be expressed by supporting figures, graphics and tables if necessary.
• In the discussion section, the findings should be discussed by revealing similarities and differences with the literature, but unnecessary repetitions should be avoided.
• In the conclusion part, the contribution of the obtained results to science and literature should be expressed with suggestions.
• If the acknowledgments section will be included, this section should not be too long.
• If support was provided from a project or the results of a thesis study were used in the article, it should be stated.
• The sources used in the article should be given at the end of the article, in order of use in the article, and in the original language of the source used.
All abbreviations used in the article should be defined at first use. The abbreviation should be given in parentheses after the definition. When a drug, product, hardware or software program is mentioned in the main text, product information should be given in parentheses, including the name of the product, the manufacturer of the product, the city of manufacture, and the country of the producing company.

Original Article

It should be a maximum of 5000 words (excluding abstracts and references) and should contain the following headings, in order:
• Title (Turkish and English)
• Summary (Turkish and English)
• Keywords (Turkish and English)
• Introduction
• Method
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• Acknowledgment, Financial Support (if any)
• References (up to 50)
• Attachment(s); Figures and tables (up to 8)

Review Article

It should be a maximum of 8000 words (excluding abstracts and references) and should contain the following sub-headings in order:
• Title (Turkish and English)
• Summary (Turkish and English)
• Keywords (Turkish and English)
• Introduction
• Main Text
• Discussion
• Disclosures, Compliance with Ethical Standards, Conflict of Interest, Author Contribution
• References (up to 120)
• Figures and tables (if applicable)

Case report

It should be a maximum of 3500 words (excluding abstracts and references) and should contain the following headings, in order:
• Title (Turkish and English)
• Abstract (Turkish and English)
• Keywords (Turkish and English)
• Introduction
• Case report
• Discussion
• Disclosures, Compliance with Ethical Standards, Conflict of Interest, Author Contribution, Financial Disclosure
• References (up to 10)
• Figures and tables (if applicable)

Letter to the Editor

It should be a maximum of 2000 words (excluding abstracts and references) and should contain the following sub-headings in order:
• Title (Turkish and English)
• Keywords (Turkish and English)
• Main text
• References (up to 10)
• Disclosures, Compliance with Ethical Standards, Conflict of Interest, Author Contribution, Financial Disclosure

Tables and Figures

• All tables in the main text should be indicated in parentheses at the end of the relevant sentence, where they appear in the text along with the sequential table numbers (from smallest to largest).
• Table, table titles and explanations should be at the end of the main text.
• Tables should be arranged with a horizontal border above and below the table title, and below the bottom line.
• Explanation of symbols, if any, should be placed at the bottom of the table.
• Figures, graphics and photographs must be uploaded as separate files.
• Shapes. It should be submitted in one of the formats jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .png, .doc.
• Photographs and scans taken with a digital camera must be at least 300 dpi resolution, 1280x960 pixels and saved in .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .tiff formats.
• Figure titles should be listed at the end of the references section in the main text.
• Explanation of symbols, if any, should be placed under the figures.
• Written informed consent must be obtained from the patient and/or his legal representative for any photograph used, and patient identification should not be allowed in the photograph.


• In the journal, AMA (American Medical Association) style should be used for reference.
• Author(s) can benefit from the AMA reference link in the link below:
References in the Text
• References should be numbered according to the order of occurrence in the main text and reference numbers should be given as superscript. The previously used source should be written with the same number.
… is indicated.8
• If there is more than one source, they should be separated by commas.
… are reported.8,13,18
• The first and last numbers should be separated by “-” in the sources that are sequenced one after the other.
… are reported.13-16
• In sentences with more than one author's name, reference should be made just above the author.
…… Acar et al.7 found it high compared to the literature, while Balcı et al.12 found it low.
Listing the sources at the end of the text
References at the end of the article should be listed according to the first order in the text. If the number of authors in the source is 6 or less (≤6), all authors should be indicated. When there are more than 6, only the first 3 names should be given, followed by "et al." and in Turkish sources “et al.” phrase should be added. References should be shown at the end of the text according to the number of authors as follows.
Single author: Surname AA.
Two authors: Surname AA, Surname BB.
6 authors: Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC, Surname DD, Surname EE, Surname FF. (All author names should be written clearly.)
More than 6 authors: Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC, et al. / et al. (The names of three authors should be written clearly.)

a. Excerpt from Articles Published in Printed Journals

'Author's Surname Initial letter of the author's name(s). The name of the article. Italicized short name of the journal. Publication year; Volume no (issue no):page numbers.'
Journal names should be abbreviated and italicized in accordance with the journal abbreviations in Index Medicus/Medline/PubMed. A journal that is not included in the NLM catalog should be written without abbreviation.
Example: Bozkuş TN, Değer O, Yaşar A. Chemical characterization of water and ethanolic extracts of Turkish propolis by HPLC-DAD and GC-MS. J Liq Chromatogr Relat Technol 2021;44(1–2):77–86.
When the supplement of a journal will be cited; It should be shown as (Suppl.) in English articles and (ES) in Turkish articles.
Example: McDougle CJ, Stigler KA, Posey DJ. Treatment of aggression in children and adolescents with autism and conduct disorder. JClin Psychiatry. 2003;64(suppl 4):16-25.

b. Excerpt from Articles with DOI Numbers in Online Journals

The doi number, if any, should be added to the articles published online.
There is no page number requirement.
Example: Barlak Y, Değer O, Çolak M, Karataylı S, Bozdayı A, Yücesan F. Effect of Turkish propolis extracts on proteome of prostate cancer cell line. Proteome Sci [Internet]. 2011;9(1):74. DOI 10.1186/1477-5956-9-74.

c. Excerpt from Unpublished Articles

Example: Brown JE. The relation between citations and references. J Med Style. In press (For articles in Turkish: 'In press' should be used).

d. Website

Example: World Health Organization. Equitable access to essential medicines: a framework for collective action. Print Date: March 2004. Retrieved: 6 December 2005.
Example: World Health Organization. Equitable access to essential medicines: a framework for collective action. Published: Mar 2004. Accessed: Dec 6, 2005.

e. Book

The whole book is; 'Author's Surname Initial letter of the author's name(s). The title of the book. If there is more than one edition, which edition it is. Place of Publication: Publishing House; Date of issue.'
Example: Altuntaş B. Mendile, simite, boyaya, çöpe… Ankara sokaklarında çalışan çocuklar. 1. Baskı. İstanbul, Türkiye: İletişim Yayınları; 2003.
Example: Harmening D. Modern Blood Banking & Transfusion Practices. 6th Edition. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company; 2012.

f. Book Section

'The author of the chapter. The name of the section. In: Editor(s). The title of the book. Edition no. Place of Publication, City: Publishing House; Year: It should be written as 'Pages'.
Example: Meltzer H, Lowy M. Neuroendocrin function in psychiatric disorders. In: Berger P, Brodie H, ed. American Handbook of Psychiatry. 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Basic Book

g. Translation books:

‘The name of the author of the book. Translated name of the book. Translation editor, Trans-ed. City, Country: Publisher; year.' should be displayed as:
Example: Liberman RP. From Disability to Recovery: A Handbook of Psychiatric Recovery. Yıldız M, Trans-ed. Ankara, Turkey: Social Psychiatry Association; 2011.
Example: Plato. The Laws. Taylor EA, Trans-ed. London, England: JM Dent & Sons Ltd; 1934:104-105.

h. Conference Presentations

Author(s) A. Name of the presentation. Presented venue: Name of venue; day. moon. year; City Country.
Example: Diamond M. Lymphatic system. Lecture presented at: University of California, Berkeley; September 26, 2005; Berkeley, CA.
Example: Weber KJ, Lee J, Decresce R, Subjasis M, Prinz R. Intraoperative PTH monitoring in parathyroid hyperplasia requires stricter criteria for success. Paper presented at: 25th Annual American Association of Endocrine Surgeons Meeting; April 6, 2004; Charlottesville, VA.

I. Thesis

Writers). Title [Specialization/PhD thesis]. City, Country: Name of the University/Institution where the thesis work is done; Publication Year.
Example: Fenster SD. Cloning and Characterization of Piccolo, a Novel Component of the Presynaptic Cytoskeletal Matrix [Dissertation]. Birmingham: University of Alabama; 2000.
Writers). Title [Master's thesis]. City, Country: Name of the University/Institution where the thesis work is done; Publication Year.
Example: Undeman C. Fully Automatic Segmentation of MRI Brain Images Using Probabilistic Diffusion and a Watershed Scale-Space Approach [Master thesis]. Stockholm, Sweden: NADA, Royal Institute of Technology; 2001.

Scientific and legal responsibility of the published articles belong to the authors. The author(s) accept that all publication rights of the article belong to Farabi Medical Journal. The 'Copyright Transfer Form' and the 'Conflict of Interest Declaration Form' in which possible conflicts of interest are declared, signed and scanned by all authors (wet signed version of the form can be requested later by mail, Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form).
Article similarity report: In accordance with its publication ethics, Farabi Medical Journal checks every article submitted for publication for plagiarism/similarity. similarity report is requested in Farabi Medical Journal. Articles above this rate are returned to the responsible author. When the full text file is uploaded in the 3rd step of the article submission phase, it will be forwarded to Preparation of the report may take time. Therefore, an e-mail will be sent to you when the process is completed. In the last step, you can complete the article submission according to the final report or go back to step 3 and repeat the process. When you upload more than one file and receive a similarity report, all reports will be forwarded to the editor. If necessary, editors can also use a different similarity checking program (iThenticate, Turnitin, etc.) for similarity checking.
Applications with missing documents and/or information at any stage of the evaluation process may be excluded from evaluation.

The information of all authors (including ORCID ID) must be uploaded to the system completely at the time of application.
Ethics committee approval should be obtained for articles that require ethics committee approval, and the information regarding this approval should be specified and documented in the article. The author(s) adhere to accepted international guidelines in this field (1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later updates) and T.C. It should indicate that the relevant provisions of the regulations issued by the Ministry of Health are complied with.
The following criteria for ethics committee approval will be sought/applied for articles sent to the Farabi Medical Journal.
1. All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, focus group work, observation and experimental techniques, research using humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes, retrospective studies Ethics Committee approval is required.

2. It should be stated that “Informed Consent Form” was taken in case reports.
3. For the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs belonging to someone else, permission must be obtained from the owners and stated.

4. The works sent through the journal system to be published in the journal are evaluated by the Editorial Board in terms of scientific, ethical and spelling rules. The pre-evaluation period is two (2) weeks. The works whose applications are accepted after the preliminary evaluation are submitted to the opinion of at least two referees who are experts in their fields.

When submitting an article to the Farabi Medical Journal, the authors are deemed to have accepted to give the copyright of their articles to the journal. If the author's work is rejected, the copyright is returned to the authors.

For figures, tables, or other materials from other sources, both print and electronic, authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder. Legal, financial and penal responsibility in this matter belongs to the authors.
The final responsibility for the content of the articles published in the Farabi Medical Journal belongs to the authors. Editors, editorial board and publisher do not accept any responsibility for these articles.


1. To accept the evaluation of articles that are related to the field and have no conflict of interest.
2. To be unbiased, impartial, objective at all stages of the evaluation and to consider only the content of the study.
3. Completing the article evaluation process on time.
4. Using constructive language when making suggestions that will help improve the quality of the article.
5. To protect the confidentiality of the evaluated article and the information related to the article.

1. The editors agree to provide the information needed by the authors, reviewers and readers about the relevant article in a short time.

2. While making a positive or negative decision about the articles submitted to the journal, the editors take into account criteria such as the original value of the articles, their contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method used, the clarity of the expression, as well as the purpose and scope of the journal.

3. Editors apply blind peer-review and article evaluation processes, and support unbiased, impartial and objective behavior at all stages of evaluation.

4. Editors ensure the protection of all kinds of personal data in the evaluated articles.

5. Editors pay attention to the observance of human and animal rights in the articles sent to the journal. Articles that do not have ethics committee approval and, if necessary, permission are not taken into consideration for the study.

6. Editors check or request originality-similarity over the contents of the articles.

The Editorial Board of the journal handles all objections within the framework of the Editorial Ethics Committee (COPE). In such cases, authors should contact the editorial board directly regarding their appeals and complaints. When necessary, an expert can be appointed to resolve issues that cannot be resolved internally. The Editor-in-Chief is the final authority in the decision-making process for all appeals and complaints.

The entire process of submitting articles to our journal is free of charge.

*The articles to be sent to the journal should be prepared according to the sample files given below. Manuscripts not prepared in accordance with the journal format will be returned to the Author(s).







**International Medical Journals Editorial Board (ICMJE) directive